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Foreign workers who want to settle as permanent residents in the Canadian province of Quebec may be eligible for immigration to Quebec through the Quebec Skilled Worker Program.

The Quebec Skilled Worker Program is a points-based initiative, operated separately from the government of Canada’s own programs for skilled workers. Successful applicants may bring accompanying family members to Quebec, and a job offer is not required.

Quebec Skilled Worker: recent draws

Quebec began issuing the first invitations for Quebec Skilled Worker candidates using a new system called Arrima in July of 2019. View the latest results of the most recent rounds of invitations here:

Quebec Skilled Worker - Recent rounds of invitations

Cap-exempt Quebec Skilled Worker applicants

Individuals with a validated job offer in Quebec, as well as temporary residents entitled to submit an application for a CSQ, may submit an application at any time, outside the regular intake limit.

It may also be possible to submit an application under the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ), with expedited processing times at the CSQ application stage. It should be noted that French proficiency is required under the PEQ.

Quebec Skilled Worker requirements

The Quebec Skilled Worker Program is more complex than many other Canadian immigration programs. There are different eligibility thresholds for single applicants as opposed to applicants with an accompanying spouse or common-law partner, and all applicants have to pass two points thresholds in order to be considered eligible.

As of January 1, 2020, all applicants for permanent residence through Quebec immigration programs are required to show they understand Quebec values. This can be done by passing a Quebec values test or completing a course in Quebec values.

Lets first consider single applicants.

Single applicants

Single applicants first have to accrue at least 43 points (out of 99) across the following factors: education level, specific area of training, age, French ability, English ability, connections to Quebec through previous visits and/or family, and whether or not they have a validated job offer from an employer in Quebec.

Education and training (maximum 20 points for both, minimum 2 points required for education level)

Education level: up to 14 points

Area of training: up to 12 points

Areas of Training: Section A

Areas of Training: Section B

Areas of Training: Section C

Areas of Training: Section D

Areas of Training: Section E

Work experience

Work experience: up to 8 points

Age (up to 16 points)

Age: up to 16 points

Language proficiency (up to 22 points)

French ability: up to 16 points

English ability: up to 6 points

Stays and family in Quebec (up to 8 points)

Previous stays in Quebec: up to 5 points

Family in Quebec: up to 3 points

Valid job offer: up to 14 points

Valid job offer

Applicants with a spouse/common-law partner

Applicants with an accompanying spouse or common-law partner have to accumulate 52 points for the first threshold. Though this may seem like a higher threshold, and therefore seemingly more difficult, these applicants can also obtain up to 17 points for the spouse or partner’s factors, in addition to the first set of factors above. So whereas single applicants have to accumulate at least 43 points out of a possible 99 in order to pass the first threshold, applicants with an accompanying spouse or common-law partner have to obtain at least 52 points out of 116.

Spouse/partner education: up to 4 points

Spouse/partner area of training: up to 4 points

Spouse/partner age: up to 3 points

Spouse/partner French ability: up to 6 points

Secondary points threshold

Single applicants who can accumulate at least 43 points from among the above factors must then take into account the number of accompanying children they have, as well as their financial capacity, and all together reach at least 50 points across all factors.

Applicants with an accompanying spouse or common-law partner who can accumulate at least 52 points from among the above factors must then take into account the number of accompanying children they have, as well as their financial capacity, and all together reach at least 59 points across all factors.

Accompanying children: up to 8 points

Financial self-sufficiecny: 1 point

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Rebecca Major

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant
Rebecca Major is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (R511564) with nearly 15 years of licenced Canadian Immigration experience, gained after graduating with a Bachelor of Laws in the UK. She specializes in Canadian immigration at Moving2Canada.
Read more about Rebecca Major
Citation "Quebec Skilled Worker Program." Moving2Canada. . Copy for Citation