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The Alberta Farm Stream is designed to bring immigrants to the province with extensive farm management experience. The stream falls under the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP), one of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). Through the AAIP, Alberta has the ability to welcome new permanent residents who have the proven skills and experience to benefit Alberta’s labour market.

Successful applicants to the Alberta Farm Stream receive a provincial nomination certificate, which may then be used to apply to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for Canadian permanent residence.

Alberta Farm Stream eligibility criteria

Applicants to this stream must demonstrate:

  • financial documentation of their existing farm business;
  • documentation of their education, training, and work experience;
  • A proposed business plan for the farming enterprise they are considering in Alberta; and
  • proof that a Canadian financial institution is willing to finance their proposed farming business.

Applicants must also:

  • be able to invest a minimum of CDN $500,000 of equity in a primary production farming business in Alberta;
  • provide documents that demonstrate a minimum net worth of CDN $500,000 or confirmation that they have access to a similar amount of funds from other sources (CDN $500,000 is the minimum amount. Applicants may be required to show you have the ability to invest more than the minimum); and
  • invest in a primary production farming business in Alberta. (Applicants will have to document their investment intentions in their proposed business plan. Applications representing the best opportunity for growth relevant to Alberta’s agri-food targets will be given priority.)

Get help with your application

Do you need assistance in preparing an application for Canadian permanent residence? If so, view our Book an Immigration Consultant page to see Moving2Canada’s list of recommended, accredited representatives who can assist you in your goals.

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Rebecca Major

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant
Rebecca Major is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (R511564) with nearly 15 years of licenced Canadian Immigration experience, gained after graduating with a Bachelor of Laws in the UK. She specializes in Canadian immigration at Moving2Canada.
Read more about Rebecca Major
Citation "Alberta Farm Stream." Moving2Canada. . Copy for Citation