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If you’re moving to Canada under the International Experience Canada (IEC) program, you must take out the right IEC health insurance policy. Seriously, your working holiday or other IEC adventure will be over before you even cross the border if you don’t get an eligible IEC health insurance policy.

But knowing exactly what type of insurance you need and what your options are can be a headache. This guide will help you understand exactly what IEC health insurance is, and which providers can cover you so you can get on with the fun stuff — living and working in Canada!

This Is The Insurance You Need For The 2025 IEC Working Holiday

You have heard or read that you need travel insurance before arriving in Canada under the IEC program. This is confusing. Once upon a time, the Government of Canada actually used the term ‘travel insurance’ in some communications to IEC candidates. Insurance providers and publishers hopped on this and marketed policies or developed guides specifying the need for travel insurance.

More recently, the Government has been clearer in its messaging, specifying that IEC health insurance is what you should be looking for. This makes sense, because the minimum coverage you need is related to healthcare, not travel. More on that in the next section.

Insurance providers, however, may continue to market insurance policies under the banner of IEC travel insurance, rather than IEC health insurance, even though the coverage may be health-related (confusing, eh?). So, it’s essential to look carefully at what you’re potentially buying. 

IEC Health Insurance vs. Travel Insurance

While “IEC health insurance” and “travel insurance” might sound similar, not all travel insurance plans fulfill IEC requirements. The key is to confirm that your coverage includes the three essential coverages outlined in more detail in the paragraph below.

Another difference lies in trip duration. A working holiday under IEC can last up to two years, depending on your country of origin. Many typical travel insurance plans have shorter coverage limits. Always check that your insurer allows long-term policies that match your IEC work permit.

If you’re not clear on what the difference is – consider where the requirement is coming from: The Canadian Government. While we’re sure the government hopes you have a nice stay in Canada, it probably isn’t overly concerned about whether your luggage is lost or stolen or if you need to return home early due to an emergency. This is the typical domain of a travel insurance policy. 

The Canadian government wants to protect itself from the high costs of coverage for medical emergencies. It does not want to risk being in a position to provide very expensive medical care to people who come to Canada for a short-term stay. So, your IEC health insurance policy is required essentially to cover situations where an IEC participant requires expensive medical help. 

What Does IEC Health Insurance Need to Cover?

Your IEC health insurance must cover:

  • medical care,
  • hospitalization, and
  • repatriation (returning you to your country in the event of severe illness, injury, or death).

Don’t purchase a policy that does not clearly cover all of the above.

Thankfully, the Government of Canada is clear on what your IEC health insurance needs to cover at a minimum.

In addition, many IEC participants may choose to purchase additional coverage for certain possible outcomes. One example is additional winter sports coverage.

Pro tip: make sure sports coverage covers health outcomes specifically, as some insurance providers may market such additional coverage that only covers outcomes such as lost, stolen, or damaged property. (Don’t be that person who racked up a mega-hospital bill but had “winter sports” coverage that covered only property).

And, while winter sports coverage may be advised for those hitting the slopes, note that it is not a requirement.

What Doesn’t IEC Insurance Cover? 

IEC insurance won’t necessarily cover things you’d usually expect a travel insurance policy to cover. That’s because IEC insurance isn’t a standard travel insurance policy – it’s a policy that the Canadian government wants you to get to reduce its healthcare risk – that is, the risk that you’ll come to Canada and require expensive healthcare. 

So, your IEC insurance policy won’t necessarily cover: 

  • Trip interruption;
  • Baggage;
  • Cancellation protection. 

Plus, it won’t cover you for many losses once you’re in Canada either. Check out our detailed post to learn about 20 surprising things your IEC insurance policy won’t necessarily cover.

Where to Get IEC Health Insurance

The Government of Canada has put this task squarely on you to figure out, with the Immigration Department (known as IRCC) stating on its website: ‘We can’t recommend specific insurance companies or plans, but you can search online for something that meets your needs.’

That’s where Moving2Canada helps. For more than 10 years we have worked with a selection of great IEC health insurance providers that offer competitive policies underwritten by reputable brands. When you come knocking asking for IEC insurance, they know exactly what you’re looking for and will be able to sort you out. Plus, these providers generally offer excellent customer service, a key attribute if you need to make a claim at a later date.

What’s The Best IEC Insurance Policy? 

There are three factors that need to be balanced carefully if you want to find the best IEC insurance policy for your trip to Canada: 

  1. Cost. 
  2. Coverage. 
  3. In-Budget Add-Ons. 

Cost is often one of the more significant factors, but we’d caution against finding the cheapest IEC-eligible policy and buying it on autopilot. The great outdoors makes up a great part of Canadian culture – so you want to make sure you can explore without risking bankruptcy once you’re here.

We covered this topic in more detail in a dedicated post about the best IEC insurance policy, including policy comparisons and important policy features. Check it out to learn more about how to choose the policy that’s best for you. 

But if you’re keen to get started finding a quality IEC insurance provider right now, grab a free quote from our recommended IEC health insurance providers: 

BestQuote Travel Insurance

Best Quote Travel Insurance is a full-service Canadian travel insurance broker offering the widest selection of travel insurance plans for visitors to Canada. Available plans may include health coverage, coverage for up to 24 months, and coverage related to pre-existing medical conditions. Plans are available before or after leaving home. Get your quote from BestQuote today!

Best Quote Travel Insurance is available to travellers currently in:

  • The UK
  • Europe
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Canada
  • The rest of the world.

True Traveller

True Traveller is a popular option for Europeans seeking mandatory insurance for International Experience Canada (IEC), including the Working Holiday program. True Traveller’s IEC insurance covers medical care, hospitalization, and repatriation, and it exceeds IRCC’s mandatory requirements. Get your quote from True Traveller today!

True Traveller policies are available to people currently in:

  • The UK
  • Europe

Fast Cover Travel Insurance

One company of choice for Australian IEC participants seeking travel insurance for Canada. Options for 12 and 24 months, and a range of products from medical only to comprehensive, snow sports, and adventure activities. Duo policies, for couples or two friends travelling together, get 5% off. Get a quote from Fast Cover, only available for individuals currently in Australia.


When to Buy IEC Health Insurance

The Government of Canada recommends that you buy this insurance only after you receive your port of entry (POE) letter, which is a key document you need in order to travel to Canada and obtain your work permit.

If your IEC health insurance policy is valid for less than the maximum potential validity of your work permit, you will be issued a work permit that expires at the same time as your insurance. If this happens, you will not be able to apply to change the conditions of your work permit at a later date.

Why You Need IEC Health Insurance

Wait a moment, doesn’t Canada have a world-renowned, publicly-funded healthcare system? Yes, indeed it does. But, like many other temporary residents in Canada, IEC participants don’t get access to publicly-funded healthcare. Access to the public healthcare system is reserved for Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and some temporary residents (not including IEC participants).

Compare prices for IEC health insurance options with a free quote comparison from BestQuote.

Can you get provincial coverage while on IEC?

This question is a bit of a red herring because it doesn’t relate very strongly to your need to get IEC insurance. 

The answer is that you may be able to get provincial coverage in Canada, which would give you access to some publicly-funded healthcare in Canada. 

But, this coverage doesn’t change the fact that you need an IEC-eligible policy to enter Canada and get your work permit. 

The only reason provincial coverage is relevant is because it can, in some cases, mean that you get a partial refund for your IEC policy. This will vary depending on your insurance provider though. 

If you haven’t already grabbed a free quote from the recommended providers above, start by getting a quote for your IEC health insurance from BestQuote.

But, if you do want more information about provincial health coverage in Canada, check out our comprehensive pages covering healthcare in Canadian provinces.


  • Your eligibility can vary based on individual circumstances,
  • Even if you do get access to publicly-funded care, you still NEED to retain private IEC health insurance coverage through the validity period of your IEC work permit. The Government is clear on this, stating on its website
    Having a valid provincial health card is not enough. Repatriation is not covered by provincial health insurance.’In any event, your family probably won’t thank you when they have to remortgage the house to drag your body halfway around the world (not that you’d be able to hear their complaints anyway).


How does IEC health insurance differ from travel insurance?

Is repatriation coverage mandatory in IEC health insurance?

Can I purchase IEC health insurance after arriving in Canada?

How much does IEC insurance cost?

How long should my IEC health insurance policy be valid for?

Do IEC participants have access to Canada's public healthcare system?

Can IEC health insurance be extended if I decide to stay longer in Canada?

About the author

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Hugo O'Doherty

Canadian Immigration & Integration Specialist
Hugo O’Doherty has over a decade of experience and research in Canadian immigration, establishing him as a recognized authority on immigrant integration and adaptation. His personal and professional experiences with immigration have made him an expert on the practical aspects of successfully moving to and settling in Canada.
Read more about Hugo O'Doherty
Citation "IEC Health Insurance." Moving2Canada. . Copy for Citation