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If you are preparing an application for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), you might be wondering what language your documents have to be in.

IRCC requires that all supporting documents for all immigration applications are submitted in either English or French, as these are Canada’s two official languages. This is true whether you’re submitting an application for permanent residence through Express Entry, an application for a work permit through International Experience Canada (IEC), or any other type of immigration application.

On this page, we’ll review all the details you need to know about translations of documents required for your Canadian immigration application. Read the full page for a comprehensive understanding, or skip ahead if you have a specific question.

Before you dive in, know that you can save 5% on your certified translations with our partner Translation Agency of Canada. Use the promo code M2C or click this link and the discount will be automatically applied.

What documents do I need to include with the translation?

IRCC is very strict about which documents you need to include with your immigration application. If you fail to include a document or if you include the wrong type of document, there is a strong possibility that your application will be rejected as incomplete. For this reason, it is crucial to understand your document requirements.

As far as translations are concerned, you must include translations for any supporting documents you submit that are not in either English or French.

In certain circumstances, IRCC may allow you to include documents in a language other than English or French without a translation, but in this case IRCC will clearly indicate it in your application. If nothing is indicated in your application, you must provide translations for any documents that are not in English or French.

To be accepted, the translations must be:

  1. Of the original document, or
  2. Of the certified copy of the original document, and
  3. Certified by a certified translator, or in the event that the translation cannot be provided by a certified translator, it must be accompanied by an affidavit, and
  4. included with the application

All of these requirements must be met in order for your application to be considered complete. But, what exactly is certified translation? Let’s break it down.

What is an accepted certified translation / certified translator for Canadian immigration applications?

An English or French translation from a certified translator refers to the official translation of a document into either English or French.

The translation must be completed by a certified translator. The certification process varies by country, so applicants must ensure they use an appropriately qualified professional based on their location.

  • Applying from Inside Canada: The translator must be in good standing with their provincial or territorial translation association.
  • Applying from Outside Canada: The translator must be officially recognised or accredited in the country where the translation is completed. Applicants should request proof of the translator’s credentials to confirm they can provide certified translations.

In most cases, a certified translator will have a seal or stamp displaying their membership number in a professional translation association in Canada or abroad. All translated documents must include this stamp or seal. Additionally, any stamps or seals that are not in English or French must also be translated.

It is important to remember that translations cannot be completed by:

  • The applicant,
  • An applicant’s family member (includes a parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew and first cousin), or
  • The applicants representative,

even if they are a certified translator.

IRCC reserves the right to request a new translation if the accuracy of the original translation appears questionable.

What if you can’t get your documents translated by a certified translator?

In certain situations, an applicant may be unable to obtain a translation from a certified translator. When this occurs, the translation must be accompanied by an affidavit confirming both the accuracy of the translation and the translator’s language proficiency.

The translator must swear the affidavit before a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in their country of residence. The individual taking the affidavit must be proficient in English or French.

Who can take an affidavit

In Canada:

  • a notary public
  • a commissioner of oaths
  • a commissioner of taking affidavits

Outside Canada:

  • a notary public, or equivalent

Affidavits cannot be completed by the applicant themselves or by any family member. This restriction applies even if a family member is a lawyer, notary, or authorized translator. The following individuals are not permitted to prepare affidavits:

Different countries have different rules regarding who has the authority to issue an affidavit. Examples of such individuals include notaries public, commissioners of oaths, and commissioners of taking affidavits.

What is a certified photocopy for translations for Canadian immigration?

A certified photocopy of the original document refers to a photocopy of the original document (the document that was translated) that has been certified by an authorized person. The photocopy must be readable. The person compares the documents and marks on the photocopy:

  • their name and signature;
  • their position or title;
  • the name of the original document;
  • the date they certified the document; and
  • the phrase “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document.”

The same individuals who are authorized to proceed over an affidavit are also authorized to certify photocopies.

Again, certified translators should be aware of how to provide certified photocopies quickly and easily, often using a stamp to do so.

If you require translations as a part of your application, be sure that you meet all requirements. Start your application early to ensure that you have the time you need to find a certified translator.

How do you get documents ‘certified translated’ for Canadian immigration?

Like most things these days, you can often find the translation provider you require by referring to any major search engine online such as Google. Some translators or language service providers will only require electronic scans of the documentation that you need translated while others may request that you provide them with the original document. Be sure that you confirm with your translator that they are either certified translators or can issue certified translations. The cost and time it will take to receive your translations will depend on the provider that you choose so it is wise to do some research before committing to one provider over another. If you are working with an authorized representative for your immigration application, it is always a good idea to ask if they have any certified translators that they can recommend.

Translation FAQs

My family member speaks English or French. Can they translate the document for me?

No. Translations by family members are not accepted by IRCC. Even if your family member has a PhD in English Literature, you still have to find a certified translator to complete your translations.

It’s just one page, do I really have to provide a translation?

Yes. IRCC requires translations for all supporting documents unless otherwise indicated. Of course, we cannot guarantee that your application will be rejected if you fail to include one page. It is possible that the immigration officer assigned to your file may let it slide, but with immigration applications, you’re always better safe than sorry.

What happens if a required document is not translated into English or French?

If an applicant submits a required or requested document without a proper translation, their application may be returned as incomplete. This can result in avoidable delays and financial loss.

Are you completing and application and you want to make sure you get it right the first time? Book a consultation with one of our recommended Canadian immigration consultants and get your questions answered by an expert. Book a consultation today!

About the author

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Rebecca Major

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant
Rebecca Major is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (R511564) with nearly 15 years of licenced Canadian Immigration experience, gained after graduating with a Bachelor of Laws in the UK. She specializes in Canadian immigration at Moving2Canada.
Read more about Rebecca Major
Citation "Translation of documents for Canadian immigration- how and why you need documents translated.." Moving2Canada. . Copy for Citation