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Are you Irish in Calgary? Looking for information about GAA clubs in Calgary, and other groups just for you? You’re in the right place.

Recession-weary and ambitious Irish citizens have been making Calgary their home in growing numbers in recent years. And it’s with good reason.

Calgary has roles in the construction, trades and engineering sectors, that are the hallmarks of the Irish in Canada. The Irish in Calgary enjoy a quality of life that isn’t always available at home.

Seven time zones from Ireland, the Irish in Calgary have formed a close-knit and supportive expat community.

Here is our short list of useful links and contacts for  the Irish in Calgary. Other links relevant to the whole of Canada can be found here.

Please email [email protected] if you know of other resources we should add. We’d love to see our Irish in Calgary list grow!

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Useful links for the Irish in Calgary.

– The Irish Cultural Society (ICS) in Calgary is committed to the promotion of Irish cultural activities and preserving Irish culture in Calgary. They offer Irish language classes, family days and concerts, as well as showing GAA games during the summer months.

– The Ireland-Canada Centre for Commerce Calgary was established in 2010. It works to strengthen relationships between Canadian and Irish businesses. It also opens up opportunities for entrepreneurs and small to large business enterprises across all sectors. For membership information, call Laureen Regan at 403-244-9017 or e-mail: [email protected].

– Operated by some of the helpful Irish people in the city, this Irish in Calgary Facebook group is a fantastic resource. It has information for those planning their move to Calgary. It provides a discussion forum for all things of interest to newcomers.

– The Calgary Canadian Irish Athletic Club was founded in 1971 and is open to all. Its focus is on rugby and field hockey, and is represented by both junior and senior, as well as men’s and women’s, teams.

GAA clubs in Calgary.

Calgary Chieftains.

Founded in 1977, the Calgary Chieftans GAA Club is always open to new members. It’s a great way to interact and network with the Irish in Calgary.

Training starts around early May and until September. They change training to mixed 7-a-side soccer and plan to continue until the temperature drops too low (early- to mid-October). Training is normally at the Calgary Irish Rugby Club in the northeast of Calgary.

Calgary Fianna GAA.

Club treasurer, Ciara Brady Kelly, sent us the below.

“Céad míle fáilte to our club, Calgary Fianna GAA. We’re passionate about keeping our Irish roots alive and kicking!

“We take pride in teaching our eager kids to enjoy the unique Gaelic Football & Hurling experience. We host weekly training sessions.

“We are proud to welcome children of all ages to participate in our historic sport. We would love you to become part of our enthusiastic team and part of the GAA club story in Canada.”

Calgary Fianna  • Facebook: Calgary Fianna GAA. • Email: [email protected].

Explore more City of Calgary recreation and sports options here.

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