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LinkedIn has become by far the most powerful online weapon in the job-seeker’s arsenal, and is especially useful for international job hunting where personal networks may not be as strong.

You could even say that LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool for professionals in Canada and around the world. Its features empower individuals to build and nurture their network, increasing their prospects of gainful employment in Canada

Whether you are seeking a new job, staying updated in your field, or aiming to advance your career, LinkedIn is a valuable resource that offers numerous benefits. Here’s how you can best use it to find a job in Canada:

Why Use LinkedIn To Find A Job?

LinkedIn allows you to organise your professional connections, build an online presence and leverage common connections with other members of your network.

With the right information on your profile and the right attitude, you can build connections that will help you achieve your professional goals. 


Steps For Finding A Job Or Advancing Your Career With LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a fantastic tool for promoting your career interests, so ensure you maintain a complete profile and communicate a positive, professional online image. First impressions last.

Here’s how to make the most of LinkedIn:

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital resume. Ensure it is complete and professional:

  • Profile Picture: Use a high-quality, professional headshot.
  • Headline: Write a clear and compelling headline that highlights your skills and aspirations. For example, “Experienced Marketing Specialist Seeking New Opportunities in Toronto.”
  • Summary: Craft a summary that showcases your career journey, key skills, and what you’re looking for. Use keywords relevant to your industry to increase visibility.
  • Experience: Detail your work experience with bullet points highlighting your achievements and responsibilities. Quantify your results where possible.
  • Skills and Endorsements: Add relevant skills and ask colleagues or former employers to endorse you.
  • Recommendations: Request recommendations from previous employers or colleagues to build credibility.
  • Create a Custom URL on LinkedIn: By default your public link to your profile may contain a lengthy URL that looks like “”. Ensure you shorten the URL if you would like to place this link on your resume or signature. See our How to create a short, custom LinkedIn profile URL guide for instructions.

2. Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is how you present yourself to the professional world. Consistency and authenticity are key:

  • Content Creation: Share insights, articles, and industry news relevant to your field. Write posts or articles that reflect your expertise and viewpoints.
  • Engagement: Comment on and share posts from industry leaders and companies you admire. This increases your visibility and showcases your knowledge.
  • Showcase Your Skills: Regularly update your profile with new skills, certifications, and accomplishments.

“Building a personal brand on LinkedIn can be a gamechanger for newcomers to Canada. If you think of your profile as a platform to showcase your unique skills and experiences, you never know who will see it and what opportunities could come from that. You can share insights on industry trends, your professional achievements, and even challenges you’ve overcome. Remember: consistency is key, so make sure your posts and interactions reflect your expertise and values. It’s also valuable to think about what makes you stand out and how you want to be perceived by potential employers. Your personal brand is a reflection of who you are professionally, so be authentic and strategic in your approach.” – Sara Nielson, Social Media Manager at Moving2Canada

3. Network Effectively

Networking on LinkedIn is about building genuine relationships:

  • Connect with Purpose: Send personalized connection requests. Mention where you met or why you’d like to connect. Do not lead with asking for a job. 
  • Join Groups: Participate in LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry or interests. Engage in discussions and share your expertise.
  • Follow Companies: Follow companies you’re interested in working for to stay updated on their job postings and company news.
  • Message Strategically: When messaging potential employers or recruiters, be concise and professional. Reference any common connections or shared interests.

4. Leverage LinkedIn Features

LinkedIn offers various features that can help you in your job search:

  • Job Alerts: Set up job alerts to receive notifications about new job postings that match your criteria.
  • Easy Apply: Use the Easy Apply feature to quickly apply for jobs with your LinkedIn profile.
  • LinkedIn Learning: Take courses to improve your skills and add these certifications to your profile.
  • Open to Work: Use the “Open to Work” feature to let recruiters know you’re looking for new opportunities. Customize your preferences to attract the right roles.

5. Prepare for the Canadian Job Market

Understanding the nuances of the Canadian job market can give you an edge:

  • Tailor Your Applications: Customize your resume and cover letter for each job application. Highlight how your experience aligns with the job requirements.
  • Understand Cultural Differences: Familiarize yourself with Canadian workplace culture, which values inclusivity, teamwork, and a work-life balance.
  • Local Experience: Gain local experience through volunteering or internships. This can enhance your resume and help you build a network.

6. Stay Active and Persistent

Job searching can take time, especially in a new country. Stay proactive and persistent:

  • Regular Updates: Keep your profile updated with new skills, experiences, and connections.
  • Consistent Activity: Regularly post, share, and comment on LinkedIn to stay visible in your network.
  • Follow Up: After applying for a job or an interview, send a follow-up message to express your continued interest.

“Finding a job using LinkedIn in Canada can be different from what many newcomers are used to. It’s important to focus on building genuine relationships and rapport before directly asking for job opportunities. Take the time to connect with professionals in your field, engage in meaningful conversations, and show interest in their work. This approach not only helps you understand the Canadian job market better but also builds trust and opens doors to potential job opportunities naturally.” – Rebecca Major, Moving2Canada Operations Manager and Immigration Consultant

Job searching in Canada

Leveraging your LinkedIn is a good step toward finding gainful employment in Canada. However, it is far from the only step.

It’s generally good practice to not cast a wide net in job searching, rather, fine-tune your application for jobs that really match your skills and career goals.

That being said, be sure to check out a variety of sources for these job opportunities.

Moving2Canada has its very own job board with companies that are looking for immigrants. Check out the Moving2Canada Jobs Board for new listings.

In 2023, we sat down with Moving2Canada’s founder, Ruairi Spillaine, to talk about how to find a job in Canada. Ruairi also owns a boutique recruitment agency called Outpost Recruitment that helps place construction workers to jobs in Canada. As an immigrant himself, he has first-hand experience navigating the Canadian job market as a foreigner in Canada.

Watch the video on How to Land a Job in Canada

When you are done, be sure to check out more job listings, excusive offers, and immigration resources by creating a free Moving2Canada account.

About the author

Ruairi Spillane profile picture

Ruairi Spillane

Founder & CEO - Finance & Recruitment Specialist
As the founder and CEO of Moving2Canada, Ruairi has been advising newcomers on how to immigrate, settle, and succeed in their new lives in Canada since 2011. He is a frequent contributor to discussions on Canadian immigration and has earned several recognitions for his expertise in the immigration space.
Read more about Ruairi Spillane
Citation "Tips To Help You Succeed On LinkedIn In Canada." Moving2Canada. . Copy for Citation