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Permanent resident status, or PR, is a well-sought after type of immigration status in Canada, especially by those in India. This is because permanent resident status gives you a lot of legal rights and abilities in Canada.
With permanent residence, you are legally authorized to live and work freely, anywhere in Canada for as long as you’d like. You can change employers, move between provinces, and sponsor your spouse, partner, and dependent children to join you – although you might not even need to sponsor them, as many PR immigration programs allow you to bring your family with you in your initial application!
Permanent resident status also doesn’t expire. You can be a permanent resident for as long as you’d like. But! You in order to maintain your status, you have to live in Canada for at least two out of every five years. If you stay for three out of five years, then you become eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship, which gives you the legal right to vote and run for political office – if you’re so inclined. Don’t count it out of the question so quickly – did you know that the leader of one of Canada’s major political parties, Jagmeet Singh, is the son of two Indians who immigrated to Canada?
To become a permanent resident in Canada, you have to apply through an official immigration program. There are many different immigration pathways in Canada, ranging from immigration for workers, immigration for students, and immigration for families. However, the most popular immigration option for Indian residents is Express Entry’s Federal Skilled Worker program. Express Entry is a very fast immigration system that doesn’t require a job offer, doesn’t require any Canadian experience, and allows you to bring your family with you. In 2018, Indian citizens received 42 percent of all invitations to apply (ITAs) issued through Express Entry – that’s nearly 40,000 ITAs for Indian workers and their families.
By becoming a Canadian permanent resident, you are not automatically becoming a Canadian citizen, so you will still continue to hold your Indian citizenship. It is also worth noting that not all Indians in Canada are permanent residents, many people immigrate to Canada on temporary immigration status using temporary work permits or study permits.
So, what is so great about having Canadian PR? Well, from jobs, to healthcare, to education, to quality of life, Canada has a lot to offer. Let’s find out exactly why so many Indians are choosing to call Canada home!
Canada has one of the world’s biggest economies, and the jobs market in Canada has been booming over the past few years. The unemployment rate in Canada is at a record low, meaning that there are tons of jobs available. In fact, this is one of the main reasons that Canada welcomes so many new immigrants every year, because otherwise there would be no one to fill the many open positions.
There are job opportunities across many industries in Canada, including high demand in the oil and gas industries, as well as in healthcare, infrastructure, and construction. However, in recent years Canada has become widely recognized as a booming hub for tech-talent, with the Canadian city of Toronto recently earning the title of the fastest growing tech-hub in North America, surpassing even Silicon Valley. Other Canadian cities also have booming jobs markets, including two other major immigrant destinations, Vancouver and Montreal.
The popularity of tech is reflected in immigration, where in Express Entry, the top three occupations that found success in 2018 were tech-related occupations. But! If you’re working in another industry, don’t worry! Even though tech is booming, it’s simply the crown jewel of Canada’s booming economy.
As a permanent resident in Canada, you will have access to Canada’s free health care benefits. A distant dream in some countries, Canada offers PRs world-class health care, and they need not spend even a single penny. If your family members immigrated with you, they will also be able to use Canada’s state-of-the-art services and facilities.
As if free healthcare wasn’t enough, Canada also provides free education to all children under the age of 18. This is for primary and secondary school education, up to a Canadian high school diploma. As a permanent resident, access to this type of education could be a turning point for your family’s future. Being able to send your children to well-established schools teaching modern courses and all the while not spending any money on their education is a dream-come-true for any parent.
Apart from that, the Canadian government also provides subsidies to students for higher education. These benefits ensure that you and your family enjoy the possibility for affordable advanced-levels of education and a high standard of living.
Canada is one of the world’s safest countries, so as a permanent resident, you can rest assured that your family will be secure in their life in Canada. In the 2019 Global Peace Index, Canada ranked as the 6th safest country in the world.
In addition to safety, Canada is also a massive country with a very small population. Canada’s population is only 37.5 million people, a big difference from the 1.3 billion people living in India. Based on the size of the countries, Canada has a population density of 4 people per square kilometer, while India’s population density is 460 people per square kilometer.
If you’re looking for a country with more space for you and your family to enjoy, Canada is one of the best options out there!
The Canadian Government also invests highly in social services and social security. Citizens and PRs can make use of various schemes including subsidies, basic pension, tax benefits for families, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and more.
Canada is known as being a diverse and multicultural society that proudly celebrates newcomers from around the globe. In fact, more than 1 in 5 people living in Canada are first-generation immigrants. In the city of Toronto, nearly half of the people living there are first-generation immigrants.
While many countries around the globe are shutting closing their doors to immigrants and building walls, Canadians remain welcoming to newcomers. Canada is one of the only countries in North America and Europe that does not have a major political party with anti-immigrant policies. If you’re looking for a society where you and your family will feel safe and welcome, Canada should be at the top of your list!
As we mentioned earlier, there are many different immigration pathways for those looking to become Canadian permanent residents. The best thing you can do is check out our guide on Canada’s immigration options to understand what is the best option for you.
That said, one of the most popular options for Indian citizens is the Federal Skilled Worker program, a part of Canada’s Express Entry immigration system. This is a competitive immigration system that uses a points-based system to rank candidates and select the highest-scoring candidates for PR. You receive points based on factors including your age, level of education, English or French language proficiency, work experience, and more.
To learn everything you need to know about Express Entry, sign up for the Express Entry Roadmap. This is a free email-education service we designed to teach you everything you need to know about the Express Entry system. Simply create a free account and you’ll receive seven lessons by email, each one covering one of the topics you need to understand in order to succeed in Express Entry.
Many Indians living in the state of Kerala have successfully become Canadian PRs in recent years. If you are living in Kerala and interested in Canadian immigration, there are a number of authorized Canadian immigration consultants in the Kerala area who provide excellent immigration services. You can find a consultant by simply googling the consultants near you. Canada is known as a land of opportunity and countless Indians get Canadian PR card every year. As you saw in Express Entry, the number of Indians being accepted each year is going up. Maybe this year you could be one of the successes!
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