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This article was updated more than 6 months ago. Some information may be outdated.

Study experience in Canada emerged as one of the leading precursors for Express Entry candidates who received an Invitation To Apply (ITA) in 2023. Almost half (46.2%) of Express Entry candidates who received an ITA met the criteria for additional points for education in Canada.

Becoming an international student in Canada has long been seen as a reliable pathway to permanent residence, and these figures back that up. And while it remains to be seen how the caps on international student permits in 2024 impact these annual numbers, the reality is that education in Canada is likely to remain a highly-used category for additional points for the foreseeable future. 

Key Takeaways

  • If you want to live in Canada permanently, choosing to study in Canada is a step in the right direction. 
  • Almost half of Express Entry invitees in 2023 studied as an international student in Canada. 
  • Former international students in the candidates pool for Express Entry are more likely to receive an invitation to apply (so, they’re more likely to have a higher CRS). 
  • A three-year post-secondary education, whether in Canada or not, is almost standard for candidates looking to receive an invitation through Express Entry, with 92% of candidates having a 3+ year degree.  
  • Former international students earn more than the Canadian average after becoming a permanent resident. 
  • You can read the 2023 Express Entry Report

What We Know About Express Entry And Education in Canada

Here’s what we learned about the Express Entry candidates and invitees between 2021 and 2023 from the 2023 Express Entry Report: 

  • Around 3 in 10 people in the candidate pool for Express Entry had additional points for Education in Canada in 2023. This was closer to 2 in 10 in 2021 and 2022. 
  • Around 5 in 10 people who received an invitation to apply through Express Entry met the criteria for additional points for Education in Canada in 2023. This was closer to 6 in 10 in 2021. 

What this tells us is that candidates who have studied in Canada represent almost half of the people who received an invitation to apply for permanent residence in 2023. We can also see a jump in the proportion of candidates with additional points for Education in Canada vs the number of invitees who receive an ITA who meet the criteria for Education in Canada. We can conclude that former international students in Canada tend to have higher CRS scores than those who don’t meet the criteria for these points. This isn’t surprising, given that international students usually have the opportunity to work in Canada after graduating. 

There are a range of additional points available for those with education in Canada. The points offered include: 

  • 30 points for education in Canada; and 
  • 50 points for Canadian work experience and post-secondary degree; and
  • 50 points for strong official languages proficiency and a post-secondary degree. 

The Immigration Gender Gap Persists

The number of former international students who submit their profile to the Express Entry pool is fairly similar – 53% men and 47% women in 2023. However, the proportion of these candidates who received an invitation to apply through Express Entry was skewed towards male candidates. 

Almost 6 in 10 Express Entry invitations for candidates who had studied in Canada went to male candidates (59%). This is a fairly dramatic difference, given the relative closeness in the number of male and female candidates in the pool who had studied in Canada.  


Former International Students Earn More Than The Average Canadian

The 2023 Express Entry Report also looked into employment earnings for former international students who worked in Canada after graduating. The data showed that permanent residents who had studied in Canada for at least three years earned more than those without any Canadian post-secondary education and those with a shorter post-secondary credential. 

The difference in earnings is quite stark too. Those international students who had studied for 3+ years earned almost 30% more than those who studied for just 1-2 years. 

  • Average earnings for 3+ years education in Canada: $69,000
  • Average earnings for 1-2 years education in Canada: $51,000
  • Average earnings for no Canadian post-secondary education: $61,100.

In Short: Studying In Canada Offers Significant Benefits

In addition to the quality of education you receive, receiving a post-secondary education in Canada increases your odds of receiving an invitation to apply for permanent residence. And, if you study for 3+ years, you’re more likely to earn more in Canada too. 

Keen to learn more about how to study in Canada? We have free resources for you. Create a free Moving2Canada account for your international student roadmap, a checklist to help your move run smoothly, great guides, and exclusive offers from our trusted partners.

About the author

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Stephanie Ford

Finance, Law and Immigration Writer
Stephanie is a content creator who writes on legal and personal finance topics, specializing in immigration and legal topics. She earned a Bachelor of Laws and a Diploma in Financial Planning in Australia. Stephanie is now a permanent resident of Canada and a full-time writer at Moving2Canada.
Read more about Stephanie Ford
Citation "Almost Half of Express Entry Invitees in 2023 Are Former International Students." Moving2Canada. . Copy for Citation


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