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By Hugo O'Doherty
Posted on March 17, 2022
This article was updated more than 6 months ago. Some information may be outdated.
The Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) enables Ukrainians and their families to come to Canada as quickly as possible, while also providing them with the ability to work or study while in Canada. Another special immigration program will allow Ukrainians to apply for fast-tracked family sponsorship.
The Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) is currently accepting applications. Details on the program are included below and available on the Canadian government’s landing page of immigration measures for people affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Canada has introduced these new special immigration measures in response to Russia’s 2022 military invasion of Ukraine, which started in late February. The ongoing invasion has upended the lives of millions of Ukrainian citizens and residents.
Canada will admit an unlimited number of Ukrainians through these new immigration programs.
Around 1.4 million Canadians have Ukrainian ancestry, making Canada home to the third-largest Ukrainian diaspora globally.
To apply for the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET), Ukrainians can access the appropriate instructions on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website — here.
The Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) is for Ukrainians who wish to come to Canada temporarily. The CUAET enables Ukrainian nationals and their family members to apply for authorization to travel to Canada as quickly as possible. Ukrainians who come to Canada under this measure will be able to apply for open work permits and/or study permits, enabling them to work and study in Canada. For Ukrainians who are outside Canada: the CUAET enables Ukrainian nationals and their family members a visitor visa that will be fee-exempt and valid for up to 10 years, or until the applicant’s passport expires. Applicants can also apply for an open work permit at the same time as applying for the visitor visa. Once arriving at the border, applicants will be given status either as a:
Applicants who enter Canada through the CUAET will be eligible to stay in Canada for up to three years at a time (or until their passport expires). When an applicant’s status is about to expire, they must apply to extend their stay.
For Ukrainians who are already in Canada: The Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) enables Ukrainian nationals and their family members to extend their stay in Canada. The following types of extensions are available:
IRCC is also launching a special expedited family sponsorship program for permanent residence. Details for this program will be announced in the near future.
Additionally, Ukrainians who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 may now enter Canada if they have a temporary resident visa, temporary resident permit, or written notice that their application for permanent residence in Canada has been approved.
IRCC has also established a dedicated service channel for Ukraine immigration enquiries available for applicants both in Canada and abroad at 613-321-4243, with collect calls accepted. Applicants can add the keyword “Ukraine2022” to the IRCC crisis web form with their enquiry and it will be prioritized.
These special Canadian immigration measures for Ukrainians were first outlined by Canada’s Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser, and Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, who is of Ukrainian ancestry, in a March 3 press conference which you may watch below (the video embed begins at the point of discussion about the programs).
Source: IRCC
For more information: Immigration measures for people affected by the situation in Ukraine
This is a developing story. More information will be published here when it becomes available.
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