Work after studying on a Post Graduate Work Permit!

Understanding the PGWP

The Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) allows international graduates from Canadian institutions to work in Canada for up to three years. This permit is open, meaning graduates can work for any employer across Canada without the need for a Labour Market Impact Assessment.

Eligibility and Application

To be eligible for a PGWP, graduates must have completed an academic program of at least eight months at an eligible institution and apply within 180 days of receiving their final marks. Applications can be submitted from within or outside Canada.

Changes in 2024

Significant 2024 changes limit PGWPs for specific programs.  As of May 15, graduates from private colleges under curriculum licensing agreements with public institutions may face eligibility restrictions, with few exceptions based on when and where the program was started.

Work While You Wait

Applicants awaiting their PGWP can continue to work if they hold a valid study permit, apply for a work permit before their study permit expires, and can prove they completed their studies. This interim period allows for continued employment until the PGWP is processed.

Pathways to PR

Holding a PGWP can enhance eligibility for permanent residency under programs like the Canadian Experience Class, which values Canadian work experience. Graduates are encouraged to leverage their work permits to gain experience that could lead to permanent settlement in Canada.